

I received the unique opportunity to visit more than fifty interiors of buildings in Brussels gems from the inter-war years, many of which remain relatively unknown. Architectural establishments, splendid private mansions, schools,modest houses, public and industrial buildings, hotels and shops several of which have become part of the ‘UNESCO World Heritage List’ in 2000.

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Floral Sculptor

by Joelle

Daniel Ost has been known to travel 900 kilometers to collect the materials for one bouquet. His artistry is in demand by royalty, celebrities, and corporations. His installations, which last only a few days, are extremely costly, but the artistic value is absolutely priceless. I checked the artist floral emporium at Rue Royale,13 in Brussels.

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Desert Talks

by Joelle

Because of my gypsy nature I have always been fascinated by the desert. I have just met in Beer Sheva the artist and filmmaker Joseph Dadoune who over several cups of a warm mint tea presented to me a stunning project taking place in the Ofaquim desert involving a local comunity. ” You must be part of this Joelle ! ” He says.

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by Joelle

This city’s name is spelled so many different ways –Tzefiya, Safad, Zefat, Sefad. A rather small town located in Northern Israel, 900 meters above sea level in the mountains of the Upper Galilee, it commands magnificent views east to the Golan. If you see any of these on your itinerary, (for long a well kept secret even to most Israelis) it’s a place you’ll want to visit.

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Vivaha or traditional marriage in India, becomes for a man an important institution, a bonding with his partner not only in this lifetime but, supporting the Hindu belief of reincarnation, in all lives thereafter. I run in the direction of what is going to be the most incredible experience I have ever lived in the last few years…

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