
Learning from Shaolin

by Joelle

The spirit of nature and the martial arts have been linked since the ancient times. Wind, earth, water and fire have been fused into the philosophy of the masters for centuries. Use this connection as the power of nature to gain courage, confidence and valuable skills since martial arts are a spiritual journey more than a physical one. Karate Kid, is this week movie!

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Go East!

by Joelle

My love affair with China started about 30 years ago well before the movies, Indohine and L’Amant mirrors of a romantic aesthetics and elegant exoticism my soul was compelled to absorb.

Although both took place in Vietnam, my Eastern reverie called upon daring to explore a distant cultural myth , one I instinctively knew somehow, would decline to be slowly extinguished in time.

20 hours later , in 1980, I land in Peking in the midst, of Mao Tse-tung Cultural Revolution at a time where the now deceased leader decides to open China frontiers for tourists from around the world , like me.

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