
Last night in the midst of a new snow storm post Sandy’s , I watched at last W.E. on my smart 32 inches TV.

It was one o the most beautiful experiences in my life. As soon as I woke up this morning I researched in the internet every single material I could grab about this wonderful movie , produced and directed by Madonna at the beginning of this year.

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Born in Milan, Brazilian of nationality, Spanish passport and part time living in New York, parents from Lebanon, grandparents from Siria, Turkey and Spain . It’s in this Ixelles residence that with the help of Radu Mihaileanu last movie “Le Concert ” I finally discover the truth about my own personal journey.

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Desert Talks

by Joelle

Because of my gypsy nature I have always been fascinated by the desert. I have just met in Beer Sheva the artist and filmmaker Joseph Dadoune who over several cups of a warm mint tea presented to me a stunning project taking place in the Ofaquim desert involving a local comunity. ” You must be part of this Joelle ! ” He says.

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